2. Strengthen independent police review boards in the cities and County of San Diego, giving them subpoena power to review incidents involving officers, and a real voice beyond the advisory level. Institute such boards where they do not exist.
3. Examine hiring practices, training, and the work culture of law enforcement with an eye to eliminating both systemic and overt racism.
4. Promote policies, training, and procedures that address racism and encourage peaceful conflict resolution and de-escalation. Promptly remove officers who cannot adapt.
5. Roll back the militarization of law enforcement agencies where it has occurred, examining equipment acquisition and training. Keep the focus on protecting communities rather than controlling them, removing the roots of uprising and rebellion rather than suppressing them.
6. Consider limiting the role of the police to situations for which they are trained and needed. Explore alternatives outside law enforcement and the criminal justice system for such issues as homelessness, mental illness, domestic violence and substance addiction. Money saved can be redirected to fund such solutions as housing, rehab facilities, domestic violence shelters, and the hiring of social workers, mental health and medical professionals.
James R. Summers, Clerk,
On behalf of La Jolla Monthly Meeting
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
14 June 2020