Friday, May 29, 2015

Productos de limpieza ecológicos para sistemas de aguas grises

“Aguas Grises” significa que el agua de los lavaderos y desagües (pero no del inodoro) van directamente a fuera para regar árboles y plantas.  Para evitar dañar las plantas , es necesario evitar el uso de productos que contienen sal, cloro, boro, y otros productos químicos dañinos ( ver lista abajo) . Aquí está una lista de productos de limpieza de plantas que usted puede hacer fácilmente. Siguiendo esta lista estan los productos que usted puede comprar , además de una lista detallada de lo que debe evitar . Limite la cantidad de bicarbonato de sodio que utiliza. En pequeñas cantidades no dañan las plantas , pero en exceso puede ser perjudicial. Arroje  agua con bicarbonato de sodio en el inodoro. Esto ayudará a mantener el baño limpio y será procesado de manera que no dañe el medio ambiente. El peróxido de hidrógeno es un excelente desinfectante y mucho mejor para las plantas que el bicarbonato de sodio.  (Ver 
Limpiador de uso multiple: Para todo desde espejos – y hasta para limpiar la caja de arena para gatos. 2 tazas de agua , 1 taza de peróxido de hidrógeno, ¼ de taza de jugo de limón
Piso de Madera: Mezcle una taza de aceite de oliva y media taza de jugo de limón para pulir pisos de madera dura.
Las manchas de tinta en la alfombra: Mezclar la maicena con la leche hasta formar una pasta que levantara las manchas de tinta.
Grasa en contadores: Uso de maicena para absorber la grasa en la cocina
Limpiador de piso:  1/8 de jabon de liquido, 1/4 a 1/2 taza de vinagre blanco o jugo de limón, 1/2 taza de té de hierbas (La menta tiene propiedades antibacterianas). Combine los ingredientes en un cubo con 3 litros de agua tibia. Menear hasta que esté espumosa.  Enjuagar con 1 taza de vinagre en 3 galones de agua fría.
Limpiador de piso de madera: Utilice 1/2 taza de vinagre por cada galón de agua. Seque.
Limpiador de Madera: 1/4 taza de vinagre blanco, 1/4 taza agua, 1/2 cucharadita de jabon de liquid, unas gotas de aceite de oliva . Combine los ingredientes en un bol , sature una esponja con la mezcla, exprima el exceso , y lavar las superficies. El olor del vinagre se disipará en unas pocas horas .
Lustrador de muebles: 1/2 cucharadita de aceite de olive, 1/4 taza de vinagre o jugo de limón. Mezclar los ingredientes en un frasco de vidrio. Tocar ligeramente con un trapo suave la solución y limpie sobre superficies de madera.
Quitamanchas de alfombras: Seque inmediatamente. Espolvorear con bicarbonato de sodio o maicena, y dejar secar. Lavar con agua mineral y pasar la aspiradora.
Limpiador de ventanas: 1/4 taza de vinagre blanco, 1/2 cucharadita de jabón líquido o detergente, 2 tazas de agua. Combine los ingredientes en una botella de spray, y agitar para mezclar.
Limpiador de Horno: 1 taza o más de bicarbonato de sodio, rociar un poco de jabón líquido.  Rociar agua generosamente sobre el fondo de el horno, luego cubrir la mugre con suficiente bicarbonato de sodio para que la superficie este totalmente blanco. Rociar más agua sobre la parte superior. Deje reposar durante la noche. Limpie la grasa en la mañana siguiente; luego con un poco de jabón líquido en una esponja húmeda, lavar el residuo restante del horno.
lavador suave: El lavado, bañera y azulejos- 1/2 taza de bicarbonato de sodio,v suficiente jabón líquido o detergente para hacer helar-consistencia, 5 a 10 gotas antibacterianas de aceite esencial, como la lavanda (opcional). Colocar el bircarbonato de sodio en una taza; v lentamente echar  en jabón líquido, revolviendo continuamente. Añadir el aceite esencial. sacar mezcla sobre la esponja, lavar la superficie, y enjuagar. (Bon Ami es otra opción.)
limpiador de inodoros: Utilice por encima el lavador suave con una esponja que no raye. Las bacterias, moho y gérmenes A una solución recta de 5% de vinagre - como usted compra en el supermercado - es eficaz para eliminar las bacterias dañinas, moho y gérmenes. Mantenga una botella de spray de vinagre en la cocina y en el baño.
Baño molde: Mezcle una parte de peróxido de hidrógeno (3%) con dos partes de agua en una botella con antomizador y rociar sobre las áreas con moho. Espere al menos una hora antes de enjuagar o usar la ducha.
Limpiador de tajo: Frote una rodaja de limón en una tabla de cortar para desinfectar la superficie. Para las manchas más difíciles, apriete un poco del jugo de limón en el lugar y deje reposar durante 10 minutos, luego limpie.
Manchas de café y te:  manchas en las tazas se pueden eliminar aplicando  vinagre a una esponja y limpiando . Para limpiar una cafeteria o tetera, agregue 2 tazas de agua y 1/4 taza de vinagre; dejar que llerva. Dejar enfriar y limpie con un paño limpio y enjuagar bien con agua.
El peróxido de hidrógeno es barato, no tóxico , y fácilmente disponible. Es un líquido casi inodoro que se utiliza comúnmente en las heridas abiertas y por lo tanto seguro de usar cerca de las mascotas y los niños. El peróxido de hidrógeno tiene capacidades de limpieza más fuerte que el vinagre y funciona como el blanqueador, sin efectos que perjudican la salud o el ambiente. También puede agregar media taza de esta mezcla en el agua de lavado para blanquear la ropa. El jugo de limón ácido, ayuda a quitar la suciedad y añade un fresco aroma cítrico . El agua ayuda a diluir la mezcla. El peróxido de hidrógeno también es bueno para las plantas. . (Ver

Otra forma de evitar los productos de limpieza dañinos es utilizar paños de microfibra que se formulan para penetrar y atrapar la suciedad. Hay un número de diferentes marcas. Un paño de buena calidad puede durar varios años.

Difusores de aromas/ Desodorantes: Difusores de aroma comerciales enmascaran olores y cubren pasajes nasales para disminuir el sentido del olfato. Aquí hay mejores alternativas:

• Bicarbonato de sodio o vinagre con jugo de limón en platos pequeños absorbe olores alrededor de la casa.
• Tener plantas en el interior de la casa ayuda a reducir los olores en el hogar.
• Evitar el olor de comida poniendo vinagre a fuego lento (1 cucharada en 1 taza de agua) en la estufa mientras cocina. Para quitar olores como pescado y la cebolla de utensilios y tablas de cortar, limpiarlos con vinagre y lavar con agua y jabón.
• Mantenga posos de café frescos en el contador.
• Moler una rodaja de limón en el triturador de basura.
• Hervir agua y canela o otras especias en la estufa.
• Coloque las tazas de hierbas secas aromáticas y flores en la habitación.
• Los recipientes de almacenamiento de alimentos de plástico – remoje durante la noche en agua tibia y bicarbonato de sodio
• En disipador de unidades de eliminación de basura - muela limón o cáscara de naranja en la unidad
• Alfombras – rociar bircarbonato  por  varias horas antes de pasar la aspiradora
• Garaje y sótanos - establesca una cebolla en rodajas en un plato en el centro del cuarto durante 12 - 24 horas

El nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P), potasio (K) y azufre (S) están bien para las aguas grises de ir directamente a la cuenca del suelo / mantillo.

boro / bórax ( tóxico para las plantas )
de sodio y los ingredientes con la palabra "sodio " en ellos *
blanqueador de cloro ( alternativa aceptable : peróxido de hidrógeno)
perborato de sodio
hipoclorito de sodio
destilado de petróleo
ablandadores de agua ( contener cloruro de sodio o cloruro de potasio)
jabones antibacterianos y limpiadores
" Blanqueadores ", " ablandadores "
enzimas ( enzimas en detergentes biológicos descomponen proteínas o grasas manchas en la ropa)
óxido de titanio
óxido de cromo
colores artificiales; FD & C colores
fragancias sintéticas
conservantes artificiales
sin residuos tóxicos por el desagüe !!
Tip : Los jabones líquidos tienden a contener menos de sodio que los jabones en polvo - inclinarse hacia productos de lavandería líquidos.

líquido de lavado-marca Oasis
Bio Pac- Líquido de lavanderia
Biokleen – Líquido de lavanderia
LifeTree-Líquido de lavanderia
Ecover -lavandería Wash (un poco de sal)
Montaña Verde detergente de lavandería
Vaska Herbatergent
Lullwater Jabón de Nueces Seventh Generation (enzimas)
Citra Suds (cloruro de sodio)
Planet (sal, carbonato de sodio / sosa)
Tide (enzimas + ???) **;
Todos (perfume, abrillantador, colorante, +?);
Arm & Hammer (bicarbonato de sodio, ablandador de agua, abrillantador óptico, +?);
Woolite (?);
Ivory Snow (enzimas +?)

** Nota: Los signos de interrogación indican que estos productos no listan todos sus ingredientes en sus etiquetas. Esta es una práctica común con la mayoría de las principales marcas convencionales. Puede ser seguro asumir que muchos de ellos contienen colores y aromas artificiales, entre otras cosas. Evite productos que no listen los ingredientes!
Otros productos de lavandería:
Clorox (cloro)
El bórax
Biokleen Bac Out (percarbon1ate sodio, enzimas)
Bleach oxígeno Biokleen Plus (sulfato de sodio)

Oasis lavaplatos / limpiador de uso multiple para el lavado de manos platos, cuerpo y shampoo
Dr. Bronner Jabon Magico (líquido)
Aubrey Organics Champús
barra de jabón de Kirk (pueden tener algo de sodio)
Jabon de mano marca “Dial”- líquido (laureth sulfato de sodio, cloruro de sodio, agente antibacteriano, cocamidopropil betaína (tensioactivo sintético), +?)
Nota: El sitio web de “Skin Deep database” ( puede ayudarle a averiguar qué productos químicos se encuentran en su cuerpo y productos de belleza.

Oasis lavaplatos / limpiador de uso multiple para el lavado de manos platos, cuerpo y shampoo
Ecos: Limpiador cremoso; Perejil Plus; Cera Para Muebles; Ventana Kleener; Kleener piso; Champú para alfombras
Bon Ami ( es biodegradable y no tiene perfumes, colorantes, cloro, o fragancia, pero si contienen carbonato de sodio)
Ecos: Ducha Kleener (gluconato de sodio, citrato de sodio)
Dr. Bronners: Sal Suds (laurel sulfato de sodio)
Citra Dish (cloruro de sodio)
Ecover Detergente-líquido (laureth sulfato de sodio, cloruro de sodio)
 Ajax (carbonato de sodio, cloro, fragancia, color);
Comet (lejía, +?);
Ivory (?);
Palmolive (?);
Joy (?);
Dawn (?)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Orange Grove Friends Raise Concerns About Affordable Housing, Immigration Reform, and the Sacredness of each Human Being

I am pleased and grateful that Orange Grove Quakers support the leadings and activism of its Peace and Social Concerns Committee.  Such support makes a difference!

A year ago, Orange Grove  Meeting unanimously approved a minute in support of a Housing Commission for the city of Pasadena. Our clerk sent a letter to the City Council calling for "a permanent advisory body that provides housing recommendations to Council.....We believe that the weighty issues of affordable housing require a sustained attention of individuals committed to grappling with complex housing concerns."

Jill Shook at the Planning Commission
On May 27, over 25 people went to the Planning Commission to ask that more "sustained attention" be paid to affordable housing.  Five members of Orange Grove Meeting Meeting were present: Michelle White, Jill Shook, Peter Hartgens, Gretchen Davidson and myself. Six people (including Jill Shook, Michelle White and Peter Hartgen) stood up and spoke about the need for a housing commission.I spoke on behalf of Orange Grove, quoting from the minute we approved last year. The full text of my comments is below. 

The Greater Pasadena Area Housing Group (GPAHG) has been working on this issue for a long time and has attracted some top notch experts on affordable housing, including Michelle White and Jill Shook. They helped the City craft an award-winning Housing Element that calls for more affordable housing, but its goals have not been met and there is an urgent need for more action and accountability. Some City Council members see the importance of affordable housing, but are reluctant to start a new commission. Others simply don't see affordable housing as a priority, even though over 20,000 families in our City pay more than one third of their income on housing and countless others work in Pasadena but can't afford to live here. Homelessness has been reduced, but is still far too high. Affordable housing is discussed by the Planning Committee only twice a year, and many feel more attention needs to be devoted to this concern. As GPAHG member Ernie Siegal (a former Planning Commission member) noted, "Pasadena has Commission for Trees, but not for people who need affordable housing!"

The Planning Commission was impressed with the turnout and the depth of our concern, but chose to go along with the recommendation of the Housing Department, which opposes a Housing Commission. Members of the Planning Commission promised to devote more attention to affordable housing, but whether they do so will no doubt depend on how much pressure we concerned citizens exert. The price we pay for justice is eternal vigilance!

In addition to supporting affordable housing, Orange Grove Meeting approved a minute in support of immigration reform and refugee children crossing the border. See
Peace and Justice Academy students at the of Judy Chu

On May 13, I  took our Meeting's minute to the office of Judy Chu and delivered it to her aide, Matthew Hovsepian. To make this minute more memorable and effective, I was accompanied by seven middle schoolers from the Peace and Justice Academy, I used this opportunity to teach the kids what I have learned about lobbying from FCNL. In a nutshell, it's all about relationship-building. After I introduced the group and let Matt know the purpose of our visit (our "ask"), each student thanked Judy Chu for a particular piece of legislation which she supported and we approved. Then the kids shared why they were concerned about the refugee children and immigration reform. Some had gone to San Diego on a field trip and seen the border fence and learned about the issues first-hand. They had also seen La Bestia,  a documentary, about the "train of death" that carries thousands of refugees from Central America through Mexico. Many are robbed, raped, kidnapped, killed, or mutilated by train accidents. After the children shared their concerns, I gave Matthew Hopsepian the letters from Orange Grove Meeting. I'm sure he will never forget this visit!

The work for peace and justice cannot be a solo act. We need to work together and support each other as we seek to create what Martin Luther King called "the beloved community"--a community in which each individual is valued as sacred. In this beautiful struggle, every action, even simply writing your name on a petition, makes a difference. Thank you, Orange Grove Friends, for your support and prayers!

Comments Made at the Planning Commission on May 27, 2015

Good evening, Commissioners. My name is Anthony Manousos and I live in Northwest Pasadena with my wife, Jill Shook, and I am here to speak on behalf of a housing commission.  I love the diversity of Pasadena, especially Northwest Pasadena, and I believe strongly that there should be affordable housing for all who live in our beautiful city, not just the very wealthy.

I am here speaking on behalf of the Orange Grove Quaker Meeting, which has a long history in this city going back to 1907.  Our historic Meetinghouse is located on Orange Grove Boulevard in Northwest Pasadena, in a predominantly Latino neighborhood, right across the street from the Rancho Supermarket. We are deeply concerned about the housing needs of our low income neighbors, many of whom live in severely overcrowded conditions. We are also concerned about our homeless neighbors and are convinced that one of the best ways to reduce homelessness is through affordable housing. Last year, our Meeting unanimously supported the creation of a housing commission. We sent a letter to the City Council expressing our whole-hearted support of a permanent advisory body that provides housing recommendations to Council. Five members of our Meeting are present here today to stand up for affordable housing.

We believe that the weighty issues of affordable housing require a sustained attention of individuals committed to grappling with complex housing concerns. A permanent commission that has the time to consider such issues and make reasoned recommendations to City Council is best suited to assist the City in resolving our housing woes.

It has been argued that the City cannot afford to create another commission. In the past redevelopment funding that was slated for low income housing was diverted for almost 50 years to satisfy the City's obligations to police and fire pensioners. It is only equitable that the City now reorder its priorities to address the affordable housing needs of our most vulnerable citizens, as well as all the residents of our community. Given the urgency of the need, we can't afford not have a housing commission.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Earth-Friendly Gray Water Cleaning Products

As California  experiences the worst drought in 1, 200 years, a drought of biblical proportions, we need to recycle our precious water and not pollute it with harmful chemicals. One way we as individuals can do  this is to install a gray water system, as we have done in our home. See
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Arizona and Australia have laws that reimburse homeowners who install gray water systems (see  We need such laws here in California. 

To help you to be more earth-friendly,  I'm including information about cleaning products you can  use with gray water systems. The pictures sum it up: Castille soap, lemon, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.

Because they are earth-friendly, you should consider using them to clean even if you don't have a gray water but want to avoid harmful chemicals that can be dangerous not only to the environment but to our health. (After all, you are part of the environment: what hurts plants probably will hurt you!)

“Gray water” means that water from sinks and drains (but not the toilet) go directly outside to water trees and plants. To avoid harming plants, you need to avoid using products containing salt, bleach, boron, and various other harmful chemicals (see list below). 

Using various reliable sources and our own experience, we've compiled a list of plant-friendly cleaning products that you can easily make. Following this list are products you can purchase, plus a detailed list of what to avoid. Many of these earth-friendly products are very cheap to make and were used by our grandparents before we were brainwashed by big corporation to believe we needed expensive toxic chemicals to keep our homes and clothes clean.

Dr Bronner Pure Castille Soap
Baking soda is a good, cheap, earth-friendly cleaning product but you  limit the amount of baking soda you use in a gray water system. In small amounts it won’t harm plants but too much can be cause salt buildup. (Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, and sodium is salt.) Dump water with baking soda into the toilet. It will help keep the toilet clean and will be processed so it won’t harm the environment. 

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent disinfectant and much better for plants than baking soda,  Hydrogen peroxide is inexpensive, non-toxic, and readily available. It's a nearly odorless liquid that is commonly used on open wounds and therefore safe to use around pets and children. Hydrogen peroxide has stronger cleaning capabilities than vinegar and works much like bleach, just without any harmful health or environmental effects. You can also add about half a cup of this mix into laundry water to whiten clothes. The acidic lemon juice helps break down grime and add a fresh citrus scent. Water helps dilute the mixture. Hydrogen peroxide is also good for plants. . (See


·         All-purpose cleaner for everything from streak-free mirrors to wiping out the cat litter box. 2 cups Water, 1 cup Hydrogen Peroxide, ¼ cup Lemon Juice.
·         Hardwood floors: Mix one cup of olive oil and one-half cup of lemon juice for a hardwood floor polish.
·         Ink stains in carpet: Mix cornstarch with milk to form a paste that will get up ink stains.
·         Grease on counters: Use cornstarch to sop up grease on the kitchen counter.
·         Floor cleaner: 1/8 cup liquid soap 1/4 to 1/2 cup white vinegar or lemon juice 1/2 cup herb tea (Peppermint has antibacterial qualities.) Combine ingredients in pail with 3 gallons of warm water. Swirl until it is sudsy. Rinse with 1 cup of vinegar in 3 gallons of cool water.
·         Wood floor cleaner: Use 1/2 cup vinegar per gallon of water. Wipe dry.
·         Wood cleaner: 1/4 cup white vinegar 1/4 cup water 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap a few drops olive oil. Combine the ingredients in a bowl, saturate a sponge with the mixture, squeeze out the excess, and wash surfaces. The smell of vinegar will dissipate in a few hours.
·         Furniture polish: 1/2 teaspoon olive oil 1/4 cup vinegar or lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Dab a soft rag into the solution and wipe onto wood surfaces.
·         Carpet spot remover: Blot immediately. Sprinkle with baking soda or cornstarch, and let dry. Wash with club soda and vacuum. (
·         Window cleaner: 1/4 cup white vinegar 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap or detergent 2 cups water Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle, and shake to blend.
·         Oven cleaner: 1 cup or more baking soda a squirt or two of liquid soap. Sprinkle water generously over bottom of oven, then cover the grime with enough baking soda so surface is totally white. Sprinkle more water over top. Let sit overnight. Wipe up the grease the next morning; then with a bit of liquid soap on a damp sponge, wash remaining residue from the oven.
·         Soft scrubber; Basin, tub and tile 1/2 cup baking soda enough liquid soap or detergent, to make frosting-like consistency 5 to 10 drops antibacterial essential oil, such as lavender (optional) Place baking soda in bowl; slowly pour in liquid soap, stirring continually. Add essential oil. Scoop mixture onto sponge, wash surface, and rinse. (Bon Ami is another option.)
·         Toilet bowl cleaner: Use above soft scrub with a non-scratching scrubber sponge. Bacteria, mold, and germs A straight 5% solution of vinegar – such as you buy in the supermarket – is effective for eliminating harmful bacteria, mold, and germs. Keep a spray bottle of vinegar in your kitchen and in your bathroom.
·         Bathroom mold:  Mix one part hydrogen peroxide (3%) with two parts water in a spray bottle and spray on areas with mold. Wait at least one hour before rinsing or using shower.
·         Chopping block cleaner: Rub a slice of lemon across a chopping block to disinfect the surface. For tougher stains, squeeze some of the lemon juice onto the spot and let sit for 10 minutes, then wipe.
·         Coffee and tea stains: Stains in cups can be removed by applying vinegar to a sponge and wiping. To clean a teakettle or coffee maker, add 2 cups water and 1/4 cup vinegar; bring to a boil. Let cool, wipe with a clean cloth and rinse thoroughly with water. 

Another way to avoid harmful cleaning products is to use microfiber cloths which are formulated to penetrate and trap dirt. There are a number of different brands. A good quality cloth can last for several years.

Air Fresheners/Deodorizers: Commercial air fresheners mask smells and coat nasal passages to diminish the sense of smell. Here are better alternatives:

• Baking soda or vinegar with lemon juice in small dishes absorbs odors around the house.
• Having houseplants helps reduce odors in the home.
• Prevent cooking odors by simmering vinegar (1 tbsp in 1 cup water) on the stove while cooking. To get such smells as fish and onion off utensils and cutting boards, wipe them with vinegar and wash in soapy water.
• Keep fresh coffee grounds on the counter.
• Grind up a slice of lemon in the garbage disposal.
• Simmer water and cinnamon or other spices on stove.
• Place bowls of fragrant dried herbs and flowers in room.
• Plastic food storage containers - soak overnight in warm water and baking soda
• In-sink garbage disposal units - grind up lemon or orange peel in the unit
• Carpets - sprinkle baking soda several hours before vacuuming
• Garage, basements - set a sliced onion on a plate in center of room for 12 - 24 hours

Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and Sulfur (S) are okay for grey water going directly into the soil / mulch basin.


§  boron/borax (toxic to plants)
§  sodium and ingredients with the word “sodium” in them*
§  chlorine bleach (acceptable alternative: hydrogen peroxide)
§  sodium perborate
§  sodium hypochlorite
§  peroxygen
§  petroleum distillate
§  alkylbenzene
§  water softeners (contain sodium chloride or potassium chloride)
§  anti-bacterial soaps & cleaners
§  “whiteners”, “softeners”
§  enzymes (enzymes in biological washing powders break down protein or fat stains on clothes)
§  titanium oxide
§  chromium oxide
§  artificial colors; FD&C colors
§  synthetic fragrance
§  artificial preservatives
§  no toxic waste down the drain!!

Tip: liquid soaps tend to contain less sodium than powdered soaps — lean toward liquid laundry products.

examples of more- and less-suitable cleaning products
for use with grey water systems


§  Oasis laundry liquid
§  Bio Pac Laundry Liquid
§  Biokleen Laundry Liquid
§  LifeTree Laundry Liquid
§  Ecover Laundry Wash (some salt)
§  Mountain Green Laundry Detergent
§  Vaska Herbatergent
§  Lullwater Soap Nuts Seventh Generation (enzymes)
§  Citra Suds (sodium chloride)
§  Planet (salt, sodium carbonate/washing soda)

§  Tide (enzymes +???)**;
§  All (perfume, brightening agent, colorant, +?);
§  Arm & Hammer (baking soda, water softener, optical brightener, +?);
§  Woolite (?);
§  Ivory Snow (enzymes +?)

**Note: Question marks indicate that these products do not list all of their ingredients on their labels. This is a common practice with most of the major conventional brands. It may be safe to assume that many of them contain artificial colors and scents, among other things. Avoid products that do not list ingredients!

Other Laundry Products:

§  Clorox (chlorine bleach)
§  Borax
§  Biokleen Bac Out (sodium percarbon1ate, enzymes)
§  Biokleen Oxygen Bleach Plus (sodium sulfate)


§  Oasis dishwash/all-purpose cleaner for handwashing dishes, body & shampoo
§  Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps (liquid)
§  Aubrey Organics Shampoos
§  Kirk’s Castile bar soap (may have some sodium)
§  Dial liquid handsoap (sodium laureth sulfate, sodium chloride, antibacterial agent, cocamidopropyl betaine (synthetic surfactant), +?)
Note: The Skin Deep database can help you find out what chemicals are in your body & beauty products.



§  Oasis dishwash/all-purpose cleaner for handwashing dishes, body & shampoo
§  Ecos: Creamy Cleanser; Parsley Plus; Furniture Polish; Window Kleener; Floor Kleener; Carpet Shampoo
§  Bon Ami (it is biodegradable and has no perfumes, dyes, chlorine, or fragrance, but does contain sodium carbonate)
§  Ecos: Shower Kleener (sodium gluconate, sodium citrate)
§  Dr. Bronners: Sal Suds (sodium laurel sulfate)
§  Citra Dish (sodium chloride)
§  Ecover Dishwashing Liquid (sodium laureth sulfate, sodium chloride)

§  Ajax (sodium carbonate, bleach, fragrance, color);
§  Comet (bleach, +?);
§  Ajax (?);
§  Ivory (?);
§  Palmolive (?);
§  Joy (?);
§  Dawn (?)