Saturday, July 13, 2024

It's Time to Take Action as Quakers to Address the Israel/Palestine Conflict


Protesting in front of Rep. Judy Chu's office in Pasadena: Anthony Manousos, Hedab Tarifi (a Muslim leader of our vigil who lost 150+ family members in Gaza since Oct. 8) and Bert Newton, Mennonite pastor and organizer of this vigil.

If you are troubled, heart-broken and/or outraged by the genocidal acts taking place in Gaza and the West Bank and you want to take action at our Pacific Yearly Meeting annual session, please contact me at I’d like to meet with you for lunch on Saturday, July 20, at Whittier College to discuss what we can do, such as having an affinity group, organizing a vigil, and crafting a minute of concern.

Since October 2023 I have been involved in weekly vigils in Pasadena that have been successful in addressing the unfolding tragedy in Israel/Palestine. In March 600 people gathered for a special meeting of the Pasadena City Council at the Pasadena Convention Center, and 200 people spoke out. During this historic four-hour meeting we convinced the Council to unanimously adopt a resolution calling for a ceasefire, return of hostages, and expedited humanitarian aid.  This historic event was covered by NBC news: We also convinced our Representative Judy Chu to join 58 other Congress members to oppose sending further military aid to Israel.

The Mennonites and Episcopalians here in Pasadena have organized fund-raising events that have raise tens of thousands of dollars for humanitarian aid to Gaza. Orange Grove Meeting also approved a ceasefire minute and contributed $1,500 to humanitarian aid to the AFSC for Gaza relief efforts. At least nine other meetings in Pac YM have approved minutes of concern about Gaza: Apple Seed, Berkley, Claremont, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, San Diego, Strawberry Creek, Honolulu, and Orange Grove. 

I thank God that these meetings and our beloved activist community care deeply enough to speak out and take a stand. I am feeling led by Spirit to work with Quakers at Pac YM to take action and organize a vigil in Whittier calling for a ceasefire, return of hostages and political prisoners, expedited humanitarian aid, and a lasting and just solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Will you join us?

I am also urging Pacific Yearly Meeting to take a public stand and endorse the statement of Quakers world-wide regarding Israel/Palestine: “A Different Future Is Possible.”  See

Do you agree that we as a Yearly Meeting need to follow the example of Quakers world-wide and take a public stand? Or would you prefer for us to remain silent? I would like Pacific YM Friends to have an opportunity to decide whether to be silent or to speak out? 

I hope that Friends will choose to speak out. During the Vietnam era, Dr. King famously said: “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” When Quakers do not speak out about genocidal acts being perpetrated with our tax dollars, are we not betraying our core values?

In the past Quakers have shown the world that we are serious peacemakers. But we cannot and should not sit on our laurels. That's why I am urging Pacific Yearly Meeting to live up to our highest ideals by speaking and acting prophetically.