We’re pleased to be joined by Hector Aristizabal, an ICUJP member during his many years in Los Angeles. Back home in Colombia since 2017, he’ll update us on the current situation there, with extreme police repression against peaceful demonstrators. Hector will discuss the challenges in implementing the peace agreement signed by President Juan Manuel Santos Calderón’s administration and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas. Hector will also share about his work with RE-CONECTANDO, a project that accompanies the work of the Truth Commission, and his newest play, Territorio Sagrado (Sacred Territory). Using theater for reconciliation, the work weaves the voices of seven women and Mother Earth around the desacralization of the feminine. Hector grew up in Medellín, Colombia, when it was the world’s most dangerous city. As he witnessed many friends killed by factions including the military, guerrillas, paramilitaries and cocaine traffickers, he chose a different path. Hector worked his way out of poverty to become a theater artist and pioneering psychologist - then survived civil war, arrest and torture at the hands of the US-supported military. Violence and death threats forced him into exile in 1989. In Los Angeles, Hector struggled to overcome his rage and desire for vengeance, channeling his energy into social action. For many years he worked as a therapist and developed original plays with immigrants, torture survivors, incarcerated youth, gang members, AIDS/HIV patients and people in hospice. He founded ImaginAction in 2000 to help people tap into the transformative power of theater in programs throughout the US and five other continents. Working mainly in war-torn and post-conflict zones, the program uses theater to explore healing rituals and alternatives to conflict.
Start your morning with us! Reflection: Jasmine Hailey * Link to this week's agenda. * ** Meetings begin promptly at 7:30 am Pacific. ** ----- Here's how to join the online meeting:To join by video conference, you'll need to download the Zoom app on your computer or mobile device. Click on the link to join the meeting and then enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You'll be able to see slides and video, as well as speakers and other attendees. If you prefer to join by phone, you'll be prompted to enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You won't be able to see the visuals or attendees, but you can view them on the meeting video recording afterward. If you're new to Zoom and would like to use the video option, we recommend you download the app well ahead of time. ICUJP Friday Forum 05/07/21 Option 1: Join videoconference here Option 2: Dial in by phone only: (To find a dial-in number closer to you, go here.) ----- Please note: Our Friday Forums and other events are open to the public. By attending, you consent to having your voice and likeness recorded, photographed, posted on ICUJP's website and social media, and included in ICUJP materials and publications for noncommercial purposes. If you don't want to be photographed or recorded, please let the facilitator know. FRIDAY FORUMS MAY 14: Soraya Deen You are receiving this email because you are a part of the ICUJP Mailing List. You cannot reply to everyone through this email. If you wish to join the ICUJP discussion list, sign into Google Groups, search for ICUJP, and use the "Ask to join group" button. Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace To learn more about ICUJP, please visit our website. | Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace · 3300 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010, United States |
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