Since the election, there has been an upsurge of
activism among Friends as well as among other segments of the American
population. We have been aroused to action by the threats posed by the current
administration to the environment, immigrants, Muslims, people of color, the
poor and life itself, with the drumbeats of war becoming increasingly loud and
insistent. The words of William Penn seem especially relevant: “True godliness does not turn [us] out of the world, but
enables [us] to live better in it and excites [our] endeavors to mend it.”
Our divided and broken country desperately needs mending. Our Quaker message
and approach are urgently needed.
Each month there is a Peace Committee conference
call open to anyone interested in peace and justice. Please join us at 712-770-4010. Access code: 830-785. You can find out more about SCQM peace and justice activities at . Southern California Quarterly Meeting Facebook
Here in So Cal, the Friends Committee on National
Legislation has been especially active.
FCNL Advocacy Teams have been formed in the Santa Monica area, Pasadena,
and Orange County. Thanks in part to the efforts of Joelly Mejia, a young
Advocacy Corps staff person, non-Quakers as well as Quakers are being trained
on how to be effective advocates and lobbyists. Delegations have gone to the
offices of Senators Feinstein and Harris as well as Congress members Judy Chu,
Adam Schiff, and others. You can read about these visits on my blog at
Immigration has become an increasingly urgent
concern. On Saturday, May 20, our Quarter is sponsoring an all-day workshop on
immigration rights with Pedro Rios, director of
the AFSC’s U.S./Mexico Border Program. In this workshop we’ll learn how to be effective immigrant advocates and
allies. A native San Diegan, Pedro has worked on immigrant rights and border
issues for over 20 years. Orange Grove Meeting co-sponsored this event and
we’re looking forward to hosting it.
On Saturday, June 17, Santa
Monica Meeting is sponsoring an all-day workshop with George Lakey. noted Quaker activist and author of Viking Economics: How the Scandivanians Got
it Right, and How We Can, Too. This
workshop will focus on how to address income
inequality, a core challenge to American
democracy in this era of plutocracy. We’ll learn how Quakers are
addressing this issue and what we can do to create a social democracy in
America similar to those in Scandinavia.
This is a time when we need to leave our “Quaker
bubble” and work with those in the community who share our passion and our concerns.
That’s why we are inviting non- Quakers as well as Quakers to both these
workshops. Please take flyers and share them not just with your Meeting but
also with your friends.
I am eager to find out what your Meeting is
doing to promote justice and peace and would be happy to pay a visit, so please
invite me. This is a time when Friends who care about justice and peace need to
work together. Most of all, we need to be faithful to the Spirit that stirs in
our hearts, calling us to do utmost to mend this broken world.
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