Good news: my wife will be teaching a course on affordable housing at Denver Seminary this summer! Now is the time to sign up if you want to make a difference and help end homelessness. As the US Conference of Mayors and the National Coalition for the Homeless have noted, "Poverty and the lack of affordable housing are the principal causes of family homelessness."
In this ground-breaking intensive course, you will learn how the housing crisis is being addressed by courageous people of faith and experts in the field. What role do faith communities play in helping to create affordable housing and changing policies so that there is sufficient affordable housing for all–from the homeless and very low-income to those who cannot afford to live in the communities where they work?
Dr. Jill Shook, nationally known as an advocate for housing justice, has helped to create hundreds of affordable units in her city and has written a book on affordable housing used as a text in college course and also by advocates across the nation. She has taught doctoral level courses at Azusa Pacific, Bakke Graduate School and given workshops for the past 15 years at the Christian Community Development Association and elsewhere. She has also given presentations at numerous Quaker meetings, as well as at Pacific Yearly Meeting annual session and the FGC Gathering. Her work has been translated into Spanish and is being shared with pastors not only in the United States but also in Latin America via FWCC, Section of the Americas, where she led an interest group near Mexico City in March.
This course will not simply be academic. It will take students into areas of Denver where Christian housing developers and visionaries are transforming their community through housing. Come and see how God is at work in this beautiful city!
Denver Seminary offers a unique Master of Arts degree in Justice and Mission, with courses on social issues like immigration, health justice—and now, housing justice. Housing Justice is a new course that will be offered June 22-July 2, 2015. Dr. Jill Shook will be teaching this two-week intensive.
This course is open to anyone, not just Denver Seminary students. Note the registration dates however, the registrar needs a count on the number of students by May 10. International students will need to be register by March 15. So if you or someone you know is interested, please enroll soon.Please review the course description below. This information is also found here: (you made want to share this link).
Course Description
Housing Justice: Theological and Practical Foundations (JM 645): Develops a theological and practical understanding of how housing justice is part of God’s mission. It provides a comprehensive look at ways to house communities in light of biblical land use laws and the just and fair distribution of land and housing. Case studies are examined, which includes how churches and Gospel-driven visionaries are addressing the housing crisis, creating affordable housing, and transforming people and communities. Interactive assignments and site visits provide first-hand experience to engage with affordable housing developers and best practice models. Two hours.
To further pique your interest, please see the attach syllabus and here’s a link the reading list for the class available through the Denver Seminarybookstore website under Summer 2015– some really powerful and inspiring works!
Course Registration
1) If you’d like to take the course for earned credit, you’ll need to apply for admission. You can apply as a non-degree applicant or visiting student, which is a much quicker process than for degree applicants. For more information, contact: The cost is $540 per credit hour and please register as soon as possible.
2) For auditing, there are two options:
a. Audit with record: You’ll receive a transcript of your course audit. This requires a brief application process – The cost is $175 per credit hour.
b. Audit without record: No transcript will be provided. This option is just $35 but applicants need to meet one of the following criteria:
◦ Denver Seminary graduate
◦ Mentor of a current student or of the student’s spouse
◦ Spouse of a currently enrolled student
◦ Full-time employees of Denver Seminary and their spouses/children
◦ Denver Seminary board members
◦ Individuals ages 65+ years
◦ Full-time Christian employees of non-profit Christian organizations
To audit without record, contact the registrar’s office ( and apply at least a month before the course begins. Seating is limited to 10% of the class enrollment and is first come, first served, so apply early.
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